Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Vedang Period 2

Atharva Vedang Jyotish 

Continuing with the Vedang period of the history of astronomy, Atharva Vedang Jyotish (AVJ) relatively, is of a later period than RVJ and YVJ. It is a text, as told to Kashyap by Pitamah. The time units followed then were as 

12 निमिष= 1 लव

30लव = 1 कला

30 कला = 1 त्रुति

30 त्रुति= 1 मुहूर्त

30 मुहूर्त= 1 अहोरात्र / whole day

The document also gives the list of 15 मुहूर्त, whose measure is compared with the length of a gnomon/stick, which is 12 anguls long. These names must be of the मुहूर्त by day, as my blog Vedang Period 1 refers (since the shadow is measured). The list shows a maximum shadow of 96 anguls cast by"Rudra"  मुहूर्त and 0 anguls by 'Abhijit'  मुहूर्त. It is not exactly 0, but the shadow does not alter in length or direction, hence 0. 

Shadow is not  0 at noon, but it must be shorter than 3 anguls. The lengths of shadows are not the same throughout the year. 

With this method, one can find the approximate, location where VJ was compiled A different method to find the location of the composition of VJ is calculated by SB Dixit.

Karanas and Auspicious Times 

This section gives out the instructions and duties to be observed for a particular मुहूर्त. Like friendly acts to be done on a 'मित्र मुहूर्त' and horror acts on 'रुद्र मुहूर्त'. The chapter also mentions, which acts to be done on a particular Tithi to get auspicious/ unauspicious results. The list of Thiti's includes 'Nanda and 'Bhadra' as in this verse

चतुभिं : कारयेत्कमं सिदधिह तोधिं चक्षणः !

 तिथिनक्षत्रकरणमृहतंतरीति नित्यशः 

This verse gives out only 4 अङ्गः (parts), they areतिथि ,नक्षत्र ,करण ,मुहूर्त not 5, which we are familiar with  a पञ्चाङ्ग . (वार्/day is not mentioned)

Following verses 90 and 91 give out the auspicious/inauspicious nature of the planets depending upon the strength of the Moon, ie, with the number of kalas or the phases of the Moon. 

तिथिरेकगुणा प्रोक्ता नक्षत्रं च चतुर्मुणं ।॥ वारचाष्टगुणः प्रोक्तः करणं षोडश्लान्वितं ।। € ० ॥ दात्रिंशद्ुणो योगस्तारा षष्ठिसमभ्विता ॥ चंद्रः श्तगणः प्रोक्तस्तस्माच्चंद्रबला बलं ।। ९१ 

 समीक्ष्य चंद्रस्य बलाबलानि ग्रहाः प्रयच्छंति श॒भाश्भानि

The following verse mentions the planets as day lords of the week. Though no specific order of the days have been mentioned . The day/ वार् seems to have been introduced for the first time .

आदिस्यः सोमो भौमश्च तथो बुधवहस्पती ।। भार्गवः शनेश्धरस्चंव एते सप्त दिनाधिपाः ॥६३॥।।

Other verses give out more names of planets applicable to the names of the days. Like सूर्य लोहितांग, सोमसुत, देवगुरु, गुरु ,भृगु, शुक्र ,सूर्यसुत.

This AVJ also gives out for the first time, the prediction part of astrology. Verses from 103 to 109 give out the names of 27 नक्षत्र to be divided into 9 groups with 3 नक्षत्र in each group. These give out the nakshatra at birth, for action and for foundation. 

Verses 25-27 give out the controlling deities of the 27 nakshatras without naming the nakshatras. The list of deities starts with the deity of Kritika Nakshatra. Confirming the Krittikadi system in vogue at that time.
 The 28th Verse says

नक्षत्रदेवता एता एताभियक्ञकमंणि । यजमानस्य शास्त नामि नकषत्रजं स्मृतं ।।

" The holy perceptors/शास्त्रजन: ordain that those performing the rituals should adopt a name based on the nakshatra at birth"

Other astronomical works describe a method by which persons are given names according to the Nakshatra quarter/चरण at birth. This system is still followed, even, today.

ग्रहोल्कालनिनिं्तिः कपेदहिंश्च पीडयत ।। यच्च दुयं भवति तत्‌ तत्परवक्ष्याम्य

his verse ordains "To do or not to do" certain acts on these nakshatras and describes the fears and horrors which befall when certain nakshatras are accompanied by planets/ comets/meteors etc.

The AVJ text describes the nakshatra-based system of astrology, similar to today's practice based on 12 Rashis/Zodiac signs. 

The text suggests its antiquity due to the absence of 12 zodiac signs, challenging the common belief that the system of prediction was borrowed.

Roger Billiard published his book " L'Astronomie indienne investigation des textes Sanskrits et des donnes numeriques" in 1971 and shows how accurate the tables and celestial observations made by Hindu priests during the Vedic and Vedang periods. His estimate of VJ is around the 10th century BCE. Indian scholars have dated the antiquity of the Krittikadi system in the Rgveda to around 2500 BCE using astronomical references.

Ptolemy's Almagest was published in 150 CE 

............to continue with the composition period of RVJ, YVJ and astronomical mentions on other अङ्गः of Vedas.

1. SB Dixit " Bhartiya Jyotish Shastra" Part 1 pages 70-83
2. William Brennand " Hindu Astronomy"
3. Ancient Indian Astronomy by RN Iyengar.
4. Ancient Astronomy" and"Vedang Jyotish of Lagadha" by Prof TS Kuppanna Shastry
5. Indian Astronomy by BV Subbarayappa and KV Sarma
6. Astronomy in India: A Historical Perspective by Thannu Padmanabhan
7. History of Astronomy in India" by SN Sen, KS Shukla

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