Astronomy During the Vedic Period-1
The Vedas contain astronomical information but are not exclusively focused on it. Vedic literature deals with a whole lot of topics. A general inference can be drawn from the astronomical mentions in the Vedas. It also shows that the astronomical ideas developed in stages, starting from the Vedic era.
A glance at the Vedas will show, that there exist sufficient references(1) of the description of the sky, Sun, Moon and the stars. The mentions include but are not limited to, the Origin of the Universe and its infinities, Description of the Sun and how it affects the Earth and its inhabitants, description of Earth, Moon and units of time and how it was used, etc.
The knowledge of astronomy gradually developed over the ages and each generation contributed to the texts and upgrading it.
The astronomical references during the Vedic period were in poetic form and, at times, indirect. One has to understand the etymology to know the intention of the originator.
The Creation, Structure and Origin of the universe1as given in the following verse from Rk Samhita 10.72
देवानां नु वयं जाना प्रवोचामं विपन्यया ॥ उक्थेषु शस्यमानेषु यः प्यादृत्तरे युगे ॥ १।।
ब्रह्मणस्पतिरेतासं कर्मार इवाधमत् । देवानां पूज्ये" युगेसतः सदजायत ।२।
देवानां युगे प्रधमेसतः सदजायत ॥ तदाशा अन्वजायत तदृत्तानपदस्परि ।३॥
भुज॑ज्ञ उत्तानपदो भुव आशा अजायंत ॥ अदितेद्॑नो अजायत दक्षाद्वदितिः परि , ।४।
अदितित्यं जनिष्ट दक्षया दुहिता तव ।! तां देवा अन्वजायत भद्रा अमृतबेधवः ॥५।।
ऋ. सं. १०. ७२.
Meaning (1 & 2)
We describe the birth of Gods in plain words, which even though born in the former yuga sees the reciter (स्तोत्र ) in the later part of the yuga, while शास्त्र were sung likeकर्मार ब्रह्मणस्पति created the Gods. The sat was created from asat in the first half of divine yuga.(3) the sat was created from asat in the first divine yuga then the directions came into existence and were followed by uttana-pad
(4) The uttana-pad gave birth to the Earth, which, in turn, gave birth to directions. Daksha was born of Aditi. Aditi was born from Daksha.
(5 ) Oh Daksha! The praiseworthy and the immortal
Gods were born after your daughter Aditi.
To summarise, some kind of existence was followed by directions and then the creation of Earth. There are numerous
mentions in the Vedas about the creation and the order of the universe.
Interestingly, a verse in Taittiriya
Brahmana 2.8.9 says (summary) “Who knows whence and how this Universe was
created? Or who can tell? Who knows him from whom the world was created?
Perhaps no one knows, even if he knows this or not”
In describing the configuration of the Universe,
several verses mention the place above the Earth, the sky and the heavens.
There is a definite mention, stating that the universe is divided into Dyu/sky, Antariksh/space,
and Prithvi/ Earth and the description of each of these
However, nowhere in the Vedas, do we find the
division of the universe into Swarg, Prithvi, and Patal.
“Pale Blue Dot” is a video by the Astronomer, Carl Sagan, indicating the universe's infiniteness and how small the Earth is! (
The Infiniteness of the Universe and the small size
of the Earth, as compared to it, had already been described in our Vedas. Long
before Carl Sagan tried to explain
This verse expresses a perception, that the Earth is
very small compared to the expansive universe.
यदिन्विं्र पृथिवी दशभुजिरहानि विश्वा ततनंत कृष्टयः I
अत्राह॒ ते मघवन् विध्रुतं सहो यमनु शवसा बहंणा भुवत् II
ऋ. सं. १, ५२. ११.
Meaning: “If the Earth were to magnify itself to ten times its size (and if) men were to live for eternity, then and only then, the glory of your famous might and valour would be equalled by the heavens”
The term ten times is symbolic. The idea that the
Universe s infinitely greater than the Earth is clearly stated in this verse.
Taittiriya Samhita 3.11.1 also describes in detail
the expanse of the universe.
The Sun
Several verses describe the Sun, stating how it causes the seasons,(there are many quotations to show that seasons were created by thenSun) and how it is the sole support of all the worlds. There is a description of the Sun's chariots having seven horses. The statements are more metamorphic as the Sun has neither a chariot nor any horses.
अनरवो जातो अनभीशुरर्वा कनिकरदत्पतयदध्वंसान् : |
ऋ. सं १. १५२. ५.
Meaning: The Sun without horses swiftly jumps up in the sky
However, a verse in Rk 8-72-16 clearly states that the sun has seven rays. Does this description convey the modern theory that the Sun's rays consist of seven colours?
Earth Round and Supportless
The people in the Rgvedic age knew that the earth is round and supportless
चक्रा मासः परिनाहम पृथिव्याहिरण्येन मणिना शुभमानाः ॥
न हिन्वानासस्तितिरुस्त इंद्रं परि स्पशो अदधात्सूर्येण ।
ऋ. सं. १, २३.
Meaning:- " The messengers, who are, shining with golden ornaments were unable to vanquish Indra, even when they were flying round the earth's periphery with speed. He then covered them with Sun's light"
It clearly shows ancient people were aware that the is not flat but round. Earlier than what Aristotle (384-322 BCE) found out. be continued
1. SB Dixit in part 1, Pages 1 to 6
2. S Kak, Knowledge of Planets in the third millennium BC.