Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Decisions and Destiny

 After a lot of thought and a detailed SMD ,with self, and decision matrix in my mind. I arrived at a date and time for my surgery. All went off well as per plan. Surgery done ,sitting with closed eyes ,with mandatory shades, and feeling pleased with myself. 

Two weeks later received a small bit of news, this triggered a series of ripples in the calm state of mind.

This set my mind thinking and wandering. “Did I take the correct decision to get operated now? Was my timing correct?”Why this ambiguity, now? This bit of news was the least expected , of all the possibilities considered . Nature has a mind of its own. No wonder they say “ Strange are the ways of Nature”.

My wandering mind looked back in my life . “Did the outcome of all the decisions I took, were correct?” A KBC question , with infinite options. I could not answer myself, because how do I define “ A correct decision ?” My mind was Getting philosophical and complex ! I just closed that window . 

It dawned on me , "What I am today , is because of the decisions I took from time to time”. The decisions could be categorised as Voluntary, forced , organisational , circumstantial , spontaneous , behavioural pattern ,and quite a few more. But the big question was still unanswered “ Why did I take those decisions?” My mind got into search mode, but the search engines could not come up with a satisfactory answer. 

The soothsayer ,in me ,prompted me to look up my horoscope. The horoscope has the key to the events in life. Event , its type , good or bad, when where what circumstances, and what that event will lead your life to. Truly in the colloquial sense “ a  horror scope “. 

In the course of my search I found that some basic expected events , like education , career, marriage , children , etc, were promised but  at a pre determined time . Within the events it self , a lot of upheavals had happened due to the decisions taken. These decisions led from one event another, like a course corrector. As if I am being directed to lead a pre determined path? A lot of questions popped up again , like pop up window, in spite of pop up blockers !

To confirm my findings I browsed all the horoscopes I had, friends , relatives, colleagues et all. The conclusion was startling. To put in the graphical way , X axis representing the life time , starting from birth, and Y axis the progress/achievement/satisfaction, on a scale 0 to 10.  Every horoscope ( in fact the individual ) had two limit lines drawn . One lower and the other upper line. Like the Fibonacci number series (for a given graph and its trend ). The whole life vibrates within these two limit lines.  Eureka moment ??  As for individual events , the same analogy is applicable.

However one may try he will neither breach either of the lines , upper or the lower. These lines are set by the destiny or what you are born with. And who keeps you within these lines ? The decisions ,one takes / is made to take ,channelises the individual to remain in them. Rags to riches and vice versa stories  can be explained with these limit lines. In these cases the gap in limit lines is fairly large , say from 02 to 08 ( On Y axis ). For an average individual the gap is about 3-5 units. 

 “ Nothing is sudden in life , there is no isolated incident , event will happen at the right time..…..”  a lot of popped up questions will be answered .

If that be so then one question still remains unanswered ? “ If every thing is pre determined, then why should one work for it?” Shammers genuine question . Ah! Lord Krishna is all smiles , reiterating what he told Arjun in Kurukshetra . “ Do your work/bit , leave the result to Me “. 

Therefore in doing your work you are taking calculated decisions , in response to the opportunities that come your way. The results , which are ,not necessarily, to your wish. Lord Krishna ensures you remain within your limits ( which he has set for you ) . Has the idiom ‘ To be within Limits ‘ come from here ? I don’t know, may be. You have to make effort to reach your upper limit line, but you cannot go past that line. 

That means the decisions are acting as triggers and course corrections , to remain in those two limit lines. Similar/same opportunities presented to different persons . The results are not same . The person with a large gap benefits and rises( relatively) as compared to the person with a narrow gap , remains stagnant ( within the limits ). And that is destiny , I thought.

So think and look back in your lives . Don’t curse yourself for decisions you have taken or had to take. 

Just , N’joi.


  1. Always found the preordained stuff a bit counter intuitive. At a macro level, are the happenings in Middle East preordained for each individual who has been affected?

  2. Reading you is a pleasure.
    Thank you for taking the time out for this.


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